Valentine's Day Rant - Part 2.

Is it my grouchy imagination or does Valentine's Day become more of a big deal every year? I'm a woman, approaching my 30's and in a relationship, but my attitude towards V-Day basically matches that of a typical 7 year old boy - it makes me want to hurl.

In my opinion V-Day is amongst the tackiest and most tasteless of holidays. It's just a heavily coupled focused holiday. If you took the promotions seriously you would find yourself celebrating with an overpriced meal, cheap champagne, teddy bears, chocolates and poorly made lingerie.

V-Day is just another cynical example of how there is nothing that cannot be turned into a commodity, It's just another marketing scheme - and most of us are falling for it. Pre-V-Day, almost every single ad is about 'pleasing' your woman and trying to avoid being sent to the doghouse by buying her something expensive and/or cute. It is romantically comparative by the lowest metric imaginable:

Who gets the best gift?
Whose partner does the sweetest thing?
Who gets the most roses/chocolates?
Who gets a proposal?
The holiday makes more people unhappy than happy. It puts too much pressure on relationships. It makes romance on a particular date mandatory; so even if you do like doing something sweet and surprising for your significant other, it can never be surprising because it's expected.
V-Day gifts typically fall into 3 categories.

1) Small/crappy gifts which have been bought just for the sake of buying something. No thought whatsoever has been put into this gift(s).
2) Large gifts that have only been bought in the hope of getting the girl into bed.
3) Expensive gifts that the girl has forced you to buy.

I've never been a big fan of Valentine's day. It feels a little forced. Sort of like asking 'Do these jeans make my butt look big?' Anyone who wants to maintain their health and breathing status would just answer in the negative. 

For some reason, V-Day leads couples to believe that they need to step it up and prove to people how much more loving they are. If you really want to show others how much you love your partner, treat them with respect, shower them with love, be patient and surprise them with the littlest of things everyday, because; why take one day to celebrate love?

Love should be celebrated every single day.

 xx xx xx


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