Social media statuses that need to STAHP!

We all come across face-palm inducing statuses, probably on a daily basis and what's totally not surprising is that they are mostly likely coming from the same bunch of 'friends'. There are sooo many which should have died the minute we left Hi5 and migrated to Facebook and Twitter; some of which I'll discuss below. 

If you are reading this and commit some of these crimes please stop it - Immediately, it saves us the hassle of 'Hiding All' your posts. 

Number 1 - The '24/7 Live Feed'
  • Making Breakfast
  • Getting ready for work
  • On the way to way - Traffic is a nightmare
  • Just got to work - 7mins early #TakeThatTraffic
  • What should I do for lunch today?
  • OMG, look at my lunch! #MyLunchIsAmazing #Healthy
  • 2 hours to go!
  • Finally home after a longgggg day at work.
  • Laundry Time - Feeling BORED.
What is the point of all this? Is this 'news' you deem interesting? There's a reason you probably have 0 likes on these statuses.

Number 2 - The 'Hashtag Abuser'
Who needs fully constructed sentences when you have hashtags?
-Hashtags can actually be useful and fun, but boy are they misused. Word of advice - No one likes to try and pick out the words in a hashtag to figure out what it says. #HowwouldyoufeelifIwroteallmysentenceslikethis? 

Number 3 - The 'Spoiler'
I find myself asking these questions on such a regular basis that it is seriously becoming majorly annoying. 
- Why on earth do some people feel obliged to reveal a plot twist, a death or a surprise a couple of seconds after it happens? 
-What do you earn by doing so? 
-Does it make you feel good to let everyone know that X killed Y in Game of Thrones?
-What response are you expecting? An: 'Oh my goodness, you're so damn cool, thank you for sharing!' ? 

Number 4 - The 'Ask me what's wrong'

  • FML!
  • What a day!
  • I can't wait for this day to be over!
You clearly want people to ask you what's wrong. 80% of your friends will ignore this.
15% will only ask they are curious and the other 5% will genuinely want to know if you're ok. People - This is why you have close friends - if something is up, speak to them, there's no need to share this with all 754 friends on your list. It's annoying, stop it. 

Number 5 - The 'Weather Man'
I'm so glad you updated your status to let me know its raining outside! You see, I live in a house with no windows. 

Weather statuses are totally unnecessary and so flipping annoying. You know how talking about the weather is considered boring small talk? Well, it is definitely not interesting when it is posted online either.

Number 6 - The 'Spring Cleaning my friends list' status

Oh my goodness! I'm so lucky! THANK YOU! I'm like seriously so glad I made the cut and can continue reading your brainy status updates. *Sarcasm*

Number 7 - The 'Look at my kid'
I've already shared my view on how I look at all the baby posts. If you missed it, you can find it here.

I'm gonna keep this one short. Kids are cute, but there shouldn't be a collection of their photos up on social media platforms every single day. Keep those to yourself, they are way more special than you make them seem. 

Number 8 - The 'Drama Queen'
I have a love/hate relationship with these kind of statuses. Sometimes they make my day, other times they make we wish Facebook had a 'SLAP' function...The desperate cries for attention, the weekly relationship troubles, the 'Haterz gonna Hate' you get the gist right?

If you are indeed guilty of posting any of these statuses, it’s fine. We all make mistakes. But, consider yourself warned. 


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