2013 - Lessons Learned

I'm not one who likes setting New Year's Resolutions..I certainly don’t dislike the idea of self-examination, self-improvement, resolving to be a better disciplined or an overall better person. But let's be real, have you ever kept a ''New Year's Resolution?'' - By KEPT I mean the full 1 year.

Hence, my first post for 2014 will not be about my plan for this coming year, instead I will focus on what I have learned in 2013. Here goes....

1. It is pointless to judge someone due to their appearance, religious beliefs and or sexuality.

2. Despite what you think and whatever you do to forget, other people will STILL find out what you did on that one Saturday night when you were tipsy.

3. Invest in a good glass tumbler, your electronics and books will thank you.

4. Admitting you need help with something doesn't make you look deficient. People will appreciate your honesty.

5. Just because someone is talented and good looking; doesn't mean they won't let you down. They could still be total a**holes.

6. Cuddle and take care of your pets as much as possible. You can always count on them to light up your day.

7. That one-a-day take away coffee will cost you approx €700 a year. (Do you know how many pairs of shoes you can buy with that? - LOTS)

8. No one's life is as awesome as they portray it to be on Facebook.

9. Refrain from judging yourself or your performance.

10. Not everyone will have faith in you. Believe in yourself and then give them the “I told you so” speech once you achieve your goals.

That's about it from me..Here's to a bigger, better and brighter year!

Roll on 2014 ♥

Elle xx


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