Hitting 25.

I hit the big *25* 3 weeks ago and until today it hadn't really dawned on me that hitting 25 would make me feel so old. So, what triggered it? A freaking survey!! I am no longer part of the 18-24 age group and well, in short, I’m basically experiencing a bit of a quarter-life crisis.  

To be quite honest, I have always been a little freaked out about the whole getting old thing. The last time I 'celebrated' (by celebrating I mean I just had another excuse to meet all my friends and drink) was when I turned 21. I'm pretty sure I’m not the only one who freaks out when turning a year older but the funny thing is, when I actually stop (use my brain) and think about it, 25 is quite young in the grand scheme of things. Also, why should I freak out on a yearly basis, when in reality I'm turning older every week/day/hour... What's so special about the 21st of November every year? (NOTHING).

 Question is: Why and where is this dread coming from?

Well, 25 means that people expect you to grow up and act all adult like. Now don't get me wrong, I agree that 25 year olds should be mature and independent but what I don't get is the whole 'Oh, you're 25 and single?' (YES), 'Still searching for Mr Right?' (YES), 'Still haven't bought your own house?' (YES). Let me break it to you Mrs Nosey Pants, there are no rules or to do by dates for these things. 

Yes, I have turned 25 and I still can't understand taxes and politics. Up to this day I grab anything within arms length; use it as a microphone and sing-along to anything (Even if I can't reach the high notes) I still quote Barney Stinston whenever I want to make a legen-wait-for-it-dary statement, I still watch Disney movies and I love spending lazy mornings in bed, eating cereal out of my mug and catching up on all my series #GUILTY

I also refuse to believe that I haven't accomplished enough for my age.
 I pay my own bills, live on my own, work like crazy, travel every year and I am living a comfortable and jolly life. I was not nominated for an Academy Award, or a Nobel Prize - Granted - but ever since I was a kid all I ever wanted to be is happy, and well, I AM. I'm the happiest I have ever been in a long while and I have all of you to thank. Whatever I have accomplished in life, I couldn't have possibly done it without YOU; my family, friends and well, even my haters.  As they say, a mistake is only a mistake if you haven't learnt from it.

From now on, whenever people ask me 'What are you planning to do with your life now that you've hit 25?' 
I am going to reply 'Live it to its fullest'
How do I plan on doing so?  Here goes;

1.Learning to say ''no''
2.Acting on impulse. 
3. Asking for help.
4. Saying 'I love you' to those who really matter.
5. Spending less time on Facebook.
6. Going on mini-adventures. 
7.Chasing my dreams.
8. Being fearless and brave. 
9. Reading more often.
10.De-cluttering (Physically, Mentally and Literally)

As you might have noticed, this blog started out on the negative side, but what the heck I have made it a point not to dwell on anything which isn't super important or life-changing and thus, why I decided to end this on a positive note with some random and funny facts about what has or will change now that I hit 25.

1. I can't drink like before. 2 glasses of red wine and I'm a goner.  

2. I will not waste my time on petty arguments.

3. My days of eating pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner have long gone. But now, I'm 200% sure that they won't be coming back.

4. Over are the days when I would spend all night out drinking and dancing and waking up feeling fresh. 
This is how I will NOW wake up after a mega night out.

5. FACT - I will still act crazy when taking photos. 

Right, it's getting late, time to hit the sack. 
Night all, and remember, age is just a number. Keep young at heart and you will NEVER feel a day older than 21.

Elle xx


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