10 things you (probably) didn't know about me

I thought it might be fun to mix things up a bit and write something totally different today. Some of these are plain weird, some are funny and others are just random–Enjoy!

1.Every couple of months I get this crazy urge to chop all of my hair off. Don't get me wrong, I never regret cutting it, it's the 'growing it out' phase which totally sucks.

2.When I find a song I like, I’ll listen to it repeatedly until I get sick of it.

3. I'm a sore loser...especially if I lose at something I know I'm good at. 

4. I am not afraid of heights, but I am super scared of falling. (Does this make sense?) If I'm completely secured to something then it doesn't really matter how high up I am, but do not ask me to climb a ladder. My legs get all jiggly and I freak out.

5. I had braces for about a year as my front teeth needed adjusting. 2 months after I took the braces out I had an accident at the pool which left me with half of my two front teeth missing. 

6. I went through a ridiculous emo phase during my high school years. Spiky hair and all.

7. BACON. I love bacon.

8. I passed my English O'Level exam the first time round (Got a 2, which  is equivalent to a B) but I was not happy with that result, so I studied it again for a whole year and re-did my exam the following year and got a 1 (A) 

9. I love to turn the music up really loud when I'm home alone and sing out loud to every song possible. 

and the big 10. For most of my life, I always told myself that I wasn't able to do things. I was my own worst enemy. Any big dream or goal I had, I would almost immediately tell myself "no, you can't do that". It wasn't something I did intentionally, but I think it just came from having no confidence in myself. After a lot of soul searching and help from my family and friends, I changed the way I think about everything this year. I've learned to put no limits on myself and my dreams, and it's incredible to me the things I've accomplished already this year...dreams that I've had for years but was too afraid to go after. (Like this blog!) 

Happy weekend!
Elle xoxo


  1. http://media.lolwall.co/c/2013/09/bacon-periodic-table-of-the-elements_273644-600x.jpeg


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