
While we sometimes can't control the situations we are faced with, we can try and learn to control how we react to them and the degree to which we allow them to effect our lives. It is important to try and keep our emotions on a safe frequency. Being able to control your emotions depends mostly on how much you 'feed' a particular emotion. Good 'emotional intelligence' requires that we understand our own moods, recognising when and why we are upset. Controlling your emotions isn't about pretending they are not there. 
So if you ever find yourself tossed around helplessly on a sea of emotion and need some help adjusting your sails in order to steer your own course toward calmer waters; read on.

One key first step to emotional control is to know when we are actually being emotional and also why. Next, try and identify why you feel this why. Knowing what emotion you are feeling and being woman or man enough to identify the truth as to why you are feeling it means you're one step closer to doing something about it.Very intense emotions blind us to the future and con us to think that now is all that matters. In fact, when we are incredibly angry we momentarily forget that there is even going to be a future. We've all said or done things we later regret simply because, for a short time, we let ourselves be controlled by our own emotions.We tend to assume that moods just 'happen' and we tend to forget that we can influence - even change our moods without resorting to unhealthy means such as alcohol or drugs. Being able to manage and influence your own emotions will result to good health, emotional maturity and happiness. We also tend to think that emotions are 'all in our head', whereas actually all emotions are physical responses. Anger pushes heart rate and blood pressure up, which is why having an angry temperament is a predictor of heart disease, anxiety produces lots of physical changes; and depression suppresses the immune system. So no, its not all in our head.

So to wrap things up. In order to be 'emotionally healthy' one should:
-Have a sense of influence and control over their own life.
-Feel secure.
-Have a sense of status; a recognisable role in their life.

Not meeting basic needs leaves us feeling that life is pointless and meaningless and will leave us wide open to emotional problems. Remember, don't let the fear from the past keep you from your future.

Elle x


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