
To cut a long story short, I was sick at the beginning of the week and knowing that I was gonna be stuck in bed for 2 days made me decide to start watching ‘The Walking Dead’

WOW! I’m in love!
Managed to watch the first 2 Seasons in a week. Still undecided if I’m on Team Rick or Team Darryl! Right, no more walking dead talk as I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone.
Those who know me well, will agree with me when I say I have a very fertile imagination… and after a week of Zombie overload I started daydreaming (again!)

-What would happen if a virus spread out and Malta had to be full of zombies?!
Well for starters, I would love to kick zombie ass! My squash racket would certainly come in handy, and I’m sure I can find other things around the house which I could carry with me.

What is the primary skill needed to survive a zombie invasion?
-hmm, I would have to say guts! If you’re gonna pass out at the sight of some blood and don’t have the balls to bash their heads in, then you probably won’t last longer than an afternoon or so. Don’t forget that the only “vital” organ a zombie has is its brain; so you must either damage it to the point where it can no longer function or separate it from the body completely. You can also concentrate on severing the arms, ankles and the neck..this way they obviously wont be able to grab or chase you that easily.

The ability to assess danger would be a major plus.

SPEED would be extremely helpful too! It’s important to note that a zombie can only be as fast, strong, and tough as he was while alive, and will become slower and weaker as the days pass.

Guns! Although its easier to aim and shoot, guns aren’t a very good idea as noise attracts the zombies.

Random question of the night..
Can zombies swim? Not really bothered to research about that as its getting kinda late and I have to be at work soon.. so if anyone knows or has any insights to this, please share :D

Right, I think its time to get an anti-zombie kit prepared. Better safe than sorry! Gotta assemble a team too, can’t do this alone!

 *Snap* back to reality!

Until next time guys and gals, I’m OUT!

Elle x


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