Fashion Faux Pas

Faux pas - Literally, it means a false step. A fashion faux pas means an error in style.
There are too many to mention, I already know this is gonna be a long post so lets get started.
1. The mighty ‘wear with everything’ leggings. When will people learn that these are not there to replace trousers? If you’re gonna wear them, make sure they’re under a dress or a long top. If they are see through, just don’t wear them at all.
2. Muffin tops. If you’re a size 14, do not force yourself into size 10 trousers. The extra skin has to go somewhere, and the only look you will achieve is the dreadful muffin top. If you have to lay down, and hold your breath to put the trousers on.. Chances are they’re not gonna make you look good.
3. Cleavage. Ok girls, we know men love a little bit of cleavage. But please, leave something for their imagination. Everything has a limit. So unless you work in a strip club, please cover up a little bit.
4. Leather attire.
Leather jackets - everyone should own one (even if its fake leather)
Leather boots - definitely a must have for winter.
Leather tops - maybe. Dress it down with plain jeans.
Leather pants - you’re asking for trouble.

Be extremely careful with leather, not everyone can pull this off.
5. Socks and sandals. By far one of the biggest fashion disasters known to mankind. Unless you’re an 80 year old, suffering from arthritis you should not be allowed to get away with this.
6. Shorts. Just because they are available in your size,it doesn’t mean you’re gonna look good in them. If your shorts don’t cover your cellulite marks, you should not wear them. Also, if they are digging into your tighs they are gonna look horrible. Harsh I know, but frankly, if you want to wear short shorts they must look good and not be an eyesore.
7. Fake designer wear. I would much rather see people wearing plain tops then having something like : G & D, Miss Sexy, Deisel or Chanell written across their torso. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy something which is fake to make up for it. Save up for it, even if it means you can only get last years stock, at least it’s the real deal.
8. Wear the appropriate underwear. Black underwear under white trousers? Black bra’s under white tops? Knicker marks? No no no! Don’t let the wrong underwear ruin your outfit.
9. Dress your age. If you’re a 40 year old,you should not go out wearing a Britney Spears : baby one more time inspired outfit. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, do not go out wearing something that looks as though it has been borrowed from your grandma’s wardrobe.
10. Wear clothes that fit you. If you’ve lost or gained weight, do not wear the clothes you had before this occurred. Show off the new you, or cover up with clothes in your new size till the weight is off again.
We all have that one complete fashion disaster outfit. (Which we obviously thinks looks awesome) But if you follow these steps, you’re almost guaranteed to look good! Hey after all, even VIPs look awful sometimes.
“The woman is the most perfect doll that I have dressed with delight and admiration.”
— Karl Lagerfeld

Elle xoxo


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