Work, Puncture, Indian Food - Not your typical Saturday.

Saturday 8th September 2012

00:25 - Set alarm for work
01:40 - Stopped watching Breaking Bad. (Need to be up at 6AM for a walk before I head into work)
02:15 - Call from a blocked number, claims he wants to have my kids (just another drunk friend out enjoying his night)

02:35 - Eyes still wide open
03:15 - IPad on again
04:07 - Another episode of Breaking Bad is over. (Fuck, I need to get up in 2hrs)
04:40 - I can hear the neighbors stumbling in from what seemed to be an awesome night out.
05:00 - Finally fall asleep
05:55 - Alarm goes off, Snoozing every 15mins, 7am gotta get up for work (This is going to be a horrible day)

Work was horrible, no lunch break, and stayed later then usual. 

18:05 Andrew and I decide to go out for dinner. We both hadn't eaten anything since the night before.

Here`s what I felt and probably looked like after that shift!

Out of the office, and I suddenly feel so much better! Got into Andrew`s car and I hear this weird sound coming from one of the back wheels. He claims its nothing to be worried about, probably just a small pebble stuck somewhere... 10 minutes later, it sounds deeper and voila he finally admits its a slow puncture! - No one should mess with my car skills ( I am such a guy when it comes to these things!)

So here`s what he finds himself doing for the following 15 minutes. 
I really felt like saying 'I told you so' but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have appreciated that comment.

Wheel changed, and now an even bigger problem arises.

What is Andrew going to eat? For those of you who do not know Andrew; he is currently on a weird ass diet and only eats once a day.. but when he does eat, its usually a fairly large portion. 

Round St Julians, none of the restaurants please his appetite. So we decide to head up North. Bugibba, nothing again. Then we remember that one of our friends has an Indian Place in Xemxija, and their food is d-i-v-i-n-e... Indian it is!

We finally arrive, and without looking at the menu I already decided what I'm gonna order, the usual Chicken Madras and Garlic Nan Bread ♥
Andrew on the other hand, x3 plates - Chicken / Beef / Lamb and a portion of rice. The waiter asks if he plans to eat everything, and reminds him that the serving size is quite big. No problemo he answers... and well, it really wasn't. 

I am a very slow eater, but he actually managed to finish everything before I did! The waiter was truly amazed. 

Dinner was fantastic, amazing food, great company. I really love this guy, he`s just like the older brother I always wanted but never had.

Beer and off home! 

Day started off horribly, but ended on a much better note. Thank you Andrew for a fab night out! ♥


... Looking for a picture of Andrew and I, and this is the only one I have! From almost 4 years ago (Well, on a more positive note, this means my camera is tagging along on our next outing!)

That`s all for today. Night everyone ♥  xxx


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