True L.. wait what?

It's incredible how much effect your first true love can have on you.
A million different feelings come throbbing at you when you two aren't together anymore.. and just when you think your heart can't take anymore, you are handed more things to deal with.

That empty feeling you get from time to time. The whole in your heart is so difficult to heal... Days,weeks, months pass and it will still take its toll on you when you're alone.

Be bold, be strong, stand tall.. you're a lot stronger than you think you are..things can only get better now.

These are just some random thoughts I had tonight. I am lucky enough to be at a wonderful place in my life right now. Awesome friends, fantastic family; I really can't complain. 

One wish to make tonight, let's see if it comes true.
- Fingers and toes crossed. 

Whatever happens : Je ne regrette rein <3

I have these words printed on my rib cage for a reason... 
No regrets, because at that time, it was exactly what you wanted.

Elle x


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