End of Summer Blues

Summer is officially over *insert sad emoticon here* But on a brighter note... wow, what a ridiculously awesome summer that was. I'm a girl who loves setting goals, whatever the situation is and so this summer I had 3 things which needed to be accomplished.

1. Making new friends. 

This is extra tough for me as I'm super shy and well, that doesn't help. Most people would usually think I'm just a snob, or proud...but the truth is, I'm just scared..Scared of messing up a simple 'Hello' (I know what you're thinking ... seriously Elle, a 2 syllable word- how the heck can you mess that up? - trust me when I say .. You can) But once I get to know you, I go all out. You get to see the fun and crazy side of me. It is vital to mention that this doesn't mean that I am no longer talking to my older friends, I still love them to bits even though we don't see each other often. 
Pretty in Pink. Carina and Myself
Some friends from high school


2. I wanted to reach 10,000 views on my blog. 
When I first started writing I never thought I would have so many views but due to some kind of miracle, the response has been amazing. Over 10K in 1 year! So thank you all for your continuous support. I could not have done this without you. I am currently working on my website. (which FYI is a super pain in the behind) I won't go live until it's perfect, but with the amount of time and energy I'm putting into it, I'm hoping it will be launched within the next couple of weeks. #fingerscrossed


3. The hardest of all goals -  wearing colours. 
I hardly ever wore anything besides black, so after losing 6 kilos(5 more to go #tough) I decided I would vamp up my wardrobe with a bit of colour and a different style. 
Do not be fooled; I still have those days where I look like a meth addict with my oversized jumpers, torn leggings and scruffy hair.

Now it's time to dig out my hoodies, beanies and coats so here's to the last bit of 2013 being just as great.

Elle xx

P.S. Attention: Lisa Jade. Good luck with your move. Keep smiling and I'll see you in London ;) Love you always xx


  1. Is it cold in Malta?

    1. Not at all. It's almost November and we're still in t-shirts :)


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