T is for TRASH

Every couple of weeks I like to go round and throw away the junk I would have accumulated in my house... so there I was, walking around and dragging a garbage bag behind me, throwing out all the things I no longer needed. I hesitated with some stuff, but reminded myself that I refuse to end up on the show 'Hoarders'..so yeah, that kinda helped.

Took my rubbish bag out and whilst in the lift going back to my apartment I wondered 'What would people think/find out about me if they went through my garbage?'

Well here goes;

1. I'm an alcoholic, I must have thrown out about 8-9 empty bottles of wine. (Which FYI were drunk over the span of a month and shared with others)

2. I'm some kind of OCD freak (which I am...just a tiny bit) as all the papers/letters/useless magazines where shredded and put in an individual bag.

3. I'm super clumsy. A shattered mug and plate. Both dropped in different occasions.

4. I love my Tuna and Corn. I could have a can of tuna mixed with corn for dinner EVERYDAY!

5. My guinea pig eats better than I do. FACT

6. I love candles. I must go through a bag of 30 tea light candles every 10 days #GUILTY

Gonna leave you with a picture of my favourite fatty, my Guinea Pig - EZRA ♥

With his PRINCE hoodie


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