Les Misérables ♥

Almost everybody, whether they've read Hugo's novel or not, knows the compelling story from the numerous films and broadcast versions. Myself, I have read the book as well as watched the musical held in London. But as big-screen spectacle, this is truly unique.
It's a very Victorian tale, both uplifting and sentimental, of deep-dyed villainy, fallen women, mistreated orphans, hidden benefactors and social injustice. Above all else, the film is about three things: First, love and its ability to transform and transcend. Second, our need to fight for change and social justice in a cruel world that resists revolution or too easily undermines and diverts it. Third, and above all, Les Misérables is about holding on to hope in the most desperate conditions, and it ends in the victory of love in a context of political defeat.
I was looking through some interviews with the cast and producers (yes, I'm hooked) and came across an interesting fact. Instead of pre-recording the songs and having the actors mouth the words on set; Director: Tom Hooper took the risky course of having them sung and recorded as the cameras rolled.
Although I'm not a fan of Russell Crowe, I must admit that the role of Javert suited him perfectly.
Hugh Jackman portraying the role of Jean Valjean was simply breathtaking. I honestly, couldn't picture anyone else playing that role.
Anne Hathaway- this woman is so dedicated to her work, she really pulled off the role of Fantine wonderfully.
Amanda Seyfried (Cosette), this woman is so cute, you can't not love her.
Sacha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter - (Thénardier and Madame Thénardier) The only time you will crack a smile or laugh during the movie is when these two are around.
Eddie Redmayne and Aaron Tviet (Marius and Enjolras) WOW! I love these two together.
Éponine played by Samantha Barks. Beautiful voice, but I did not feel any kind of connection with this character.
Anyone who is a fan of musicals, must watch this movie. Anyone who isn't - give it a try anyways, you'll be surprised.
Elle x


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