Things we should all remind ourselves.

Bad days, everybody has them.. and lets face it, they can be pretty overpowering sometimes.  On days like these, even the slightest thing can sink you further into frustration and by the end of the day, all you want to do is crawl into bed and sleep. 
However, we must learn to achieve mental balance; remind ourselves the important things that we tend to forget whenever there is a black cloud over our heads.

  • We are not always in control. Okay, we all wish we had Nostradamus' talent, but unfortunately, we don't.  We cannot predict when things will or should happen, just like we cannot for see how they will turn out. Let it go, after all, whats meant to be will be.
  • Its ok to pull back from the world. We need to be our own best friend. If you feel as though you need time to stitch yourself back up, make time to do so. Everyone needs some 'me time'. Take a step back and re-evaluate the situation that's bugging you.
  • Never give up. If you're fighting for it, it means a lot to you. Never stop fighting for something just because the road heading there is tough. Most great things don't come easy, but they are worth  fighting for. You might be criticized along the way, and yes you might feel like giving up is the best solution but you should do whatever feels right to YOU, regardless what others think about it.  Which leads me to the next point..
  • What other people think is irrelevant. Do not be a slave to other people's opinion. Do what pleases you, and not what pleases others.
  • Stay present. Sometimes the reason it is so hard for us to be happy is only because WE refuse to let go of the things that make us upset. Do not dwell on the past, or worry about the future, take it day by day.
  • SMILE. Appreciate and recognise what you have. You create happiness with your attitude, behavior and actions. It is all up to you. 
  • You don't have to know the answer to everything. No one has life figured out. We learn and grow everyday. Its okay to feel clueless sometimes.
  • What you are feeling isn't going to kill you. bad breakup? awful day at work? hang in there and see yourself through it.
  • Take action. Don’t let your fear of making a mistake stop you. A life spent making mistakes is not only more enjoyable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.
  • It's never too late. Whatever you have done, where ever you have come from; you can always change and become a better version of yourself. It's never too late to be what you want to be.
  • Don't judge. Judging yourself is pointless. Truth is, whatever you have achieved, there is always someone who has achieved more than you have.. Same goes for the bad stuff.. something you have done might seem horrible but there are other who have done worse. Judging others is just foolish. No need to elaborate further on this.
  • You are priceless in someone’s eyes. Give priority to those who love you and accept you for who you are. Keep a strong hold of the people who saw you when you were invisible to everyone else. 
  • You are not a robot. You are a human. This is probably the one thing we should remind ourselves constantly. You will be hurt, you will make mistakes, you will be sad. Life has it's ups and downs. We are all imperfect human beings.  
Moral of this rant: 

Let the wrong things out of your life. Give more than you take. Make time for yourself and for those who matter. Cry if you need to. Laugh as often as possible. Make decisions and learn to live with them - no regrets. .. and last but not least, count your blessings not your troubles.

Now go print this, stick it to your fridge/mirror/anywhere you fancy and next time you feel as though you're giving in just give it a read.

Elle xx


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