CTRL C + CTRL V and other handy MS buttons.

I find myself drifting into another daydream. Gosh, these are happening too often now.
Wouldn't it be awesome if we could apply CTRL C / CTRL V and other shortcuts to our everyday lives?

Lets have a look at the basic ones: 

Copy and Paste. We could duplicate the good things that happen to us as well as multiply good people to walk this world. Let's face it we are in dire need of more good people.
The mighty CUT button. No more boundaries to divide humans due to difference in religion, race and wealth. One world, where everything is equal. Where everyone has clean water to drink and something healthy to eat. What an unfair and unjust world we live in. We really overlook the little things in life. Take a moment to think about this...
-we sleep in comfy beds, when there are people with no roof over their heads.
-if we're thirsty, all we have to do is walk to the fridge and grab something. Others have to walk miles, just to get some water, which is killing them due to the bacteria in it.
-hungry? We'll have food waiting for us as soon as we get home. We can dial a number and have food delivered to our porch. Quite simple for us really, whilst there are others going to sleep with an empty stomach, starving. 

Back to the other buttons... FIND. Just type in *house keys* and it shows you where they are.Think of someone and it finds them for you. I know what you're saying and yes it is all too good to be true, but hey daydreams have no limits.

UNDO. Ever said something, and wished you hadn't? Did something you regret? Took a wrong decision? Just press the undo button and start again. Not sure if I would actually want this button. First off, I believe one should always think before speaking. Regrets? Mistakes? Learn from them, don't repeat them and you'll be fine. 

Never get caught up in your past, its called the past for a reason. Move on, be strong, hold your head high, and say to yourself : I can do this. Respect people and treat them the way you would want to be treated. Love and you will be loved in return.Life isn't always a path full of flowers and butterflies, it takes us through rocky roads too.. but at the end, it makes us stronger. The important thing is how we can move forward and do better without having to look back and regret.

Right, enough blabbing for now. Back to reality.

Love always
Elle x


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